Why Join ISPAI

  • ISPAI is a voice of ISPs in India. It provides a forum to ISPs/Vendors to interact with each other on technology, policy, regulatory and commercial aspects and to exchange their views and find solutions.

  • ISPAI keeps you abreast with the latest happenings in the ISP Industry nationally and internationally.

  • ISPAI actively takes up the issues of ISPS pertaining to Policy implementation, Regulatory, Operational with the respective Government departments.

  • ISPAI provides good opportunities to Vendors to interact with all the Member ISPs who are major players in the Internet Industry and offering various types of Internet Services and vise-a-versa.

  • ISPAI keeps you abreast with latest developments on policy, regulations, directives, orders issued by various government departments i.e. DoT, MeitY, TRAI etc. pertaining to the provision of Internet Services/related issues and its compliances.

  • ISPAI would like to make you an active partner of the seminars/workshops and exhibitions which will be conducted or supported by ISPAI from time to time.

  • ISPAI works closely with other Telecom Associations and Industry Chambers such as FICCI, CII, ASSOCHAM etc. and also a member of their respective Telecom, IT, Convergence Committees.